Las mantas de extinción de incendios se usan principalmente para sofocar posibles incendios en temas de electromovilidad. Deben de fabricarse y certificarse según la Norma DIN SPEC 91489:2024-11 (en proceso de ratificación ES) y así cumplen las exigencias más exigentes del mercado.
General Imagen
Calzado de material ligero y plantilla anatómica extra cómoda. Un accesorio casual para usar en tu tiempo libre, piscina, casa, ducha, etc.
- Material de secado rápido.
- Color azul.
- Plantilla con forma anatómica para máxima comodidad.
General Pie

When HAIX CEO Ewald Haimerl took over his parents’ shoe making business in 1992, he had a vision. The shoe specialist from the Bavarian town of Mainburg wanted to see the HAIX brand compete in the global market. Less than twenty years later, this vision has come to life. HAIX is considered a top brand of functional shoes for fire fighters, police, and task forces worldwide. With numerous patents and new product developments, the global player from Bavaria is ready to set new standards with regards to functionality and innovation.
This company was founded in 1948 in Mainburg, Bavaria. Its practice-based research and creative new product developments are the trademarks of its craft. HAIX has redefined shoes for professional use with outstanding technical know-how and a perfected high-tech production process. The brand-new HAIX FIRE HERO is considered the safest and most innovative fire fighter boot in the world. The development of the Ranger GSG9-S service boot was based on the experiences and special mission requirements indicated by members of the German SWAT unit. The HAIX Airpower X1 was tailored specifically towards motion sequences in emergency and rescue services. These are merely some examples of how HAIX approaches development.
The Bavarian shoe making business is rich in tradition and has also established itself in the workwear, forestry, and outdoor industry thanks to the quality of its functional shoes and safety shoes. In 2012, a completely new product line has paved the way into the leisure and sports field.
The corporate strategy at HAIX was developed at the headquarters in Bavaria. A significant portion of the production is located there as well as the new company headquarters, which was built for 4.7 million Euros. More particularly it houses the Research and Development Department, the creative workshop for shoe development with state-of-the-art research and test laboratories.
Early on, HAIX laid the foundation for one of the world’s most modern shoe production facilities in Croatia, one of the EU Member States. At this location, where the big names in the sports industry once had their high-tech products manufactured, over 720 employees have been making high-quality HAIX functional shoes since 2009.
The US branch of HAIX in Lexington, Kentucky, has been furthering expansion in the American market since 2003.
HAIX employs more than 1,100 people worldwide and manufactured more than 1.000,000 pairs of shoes in 2015. In Europe, America, or Asia – or wherever else reliable footwear is needed – high-quality HAIX® boots have become an indispensable companion.